The rest of the civil servants and high ranking military like generals serve as the next level of political elite and do not really have much authority. Their commands, if not overriden by the Emperor, tend to be absolute and they always pass decisions as a cohesive body after deliberating together. These are elite civil servants and are considered as above the military in decision making. If the Emperor does not intervene, the next level of decision are the state chancellors and council, who are essentially ministers that hold a large amount of political power in the court. No matter how nonsensical, all decrees by the Emperor must be followed with no deviation allowed. The Emperor also cannot be contradicted by anyone, so people may only advise him. The Emperor holds absolute power in all decisions and his choices overrule the decisions made by any other body. This is the Tosh Raka Emperor Li Xuanwen as of the fourth era. The Ka Po Tun head of state is traditionally the Emperor. History Customs and Systems General Customs and Practices State Organisation